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Harry Markowitz Thumbnail

Harry Markowitz


Harry Markowitz is known for his work in developing Modern Portfolio Theory. In the 1950s, his research laid the first stone of understanding how investors can build the highest-performing portfolios by balancing their risks and returns. He introduced the concept of diversification, showing the importance of spreading investments out across many different asset classes to reduce one’s overall risk.

Markowitz's contributions represent a pillar in investment theory and shape how today’s professionals and individuals approach portfolio management globally. By mathematically showing the benefits of diversification and the trade-off between risk and return, he gave investors a framework that continues to be used to guide them in developing portfolios that are both well-balanced and effective.



“The chief problem with the individual investor: He or she typically buys when the market is high and thinks it's going to go up, and sells when the market is low and thinks it's going to go down” (Markowitz, Harry).