This year provided an opportunity for people to adapt and embrace change. Innovation and perseverance were on continuous display.
This year provided an opportunity for people to adapt and embrace change. Innovation and perseverance were on continuous display.
Our experience working with individuals and families on such an intimate level provides a glimpse into the interwoven fabric that makes up the wonderful country we live in.
I had a professor in business school, Mr. Dixon, who always asked one question at the beginning of class: “What is the purpose of a business?”. As nascent entrepreneurs we would answer with ignorance:
I left the safety of my family and home this week for the first time in days. The list of destinations is typically short: Martins, Costco, the Landfill. I broke this routine to head to our office building at 27 West Boscawen Street.
“Stay The Course.” I’ve grown to dislike this overused trite. It belittles the anxiety we feel during moments of great stress. Moreover, it fails to remind us of how we got here and provides no insight on how to face the unknown in front of us.
We've faced a challenging couple weeks together but remain optimistic heading into the weekend. Here is our perspective on investing during uncertain times.